SmGBeatz, biography, Age phone number,

Biography of SmGBeatz

Biography of  SmGBeatz,Profile, Age,and contact
FULL NAME: Seun Olawoyin  Jacob
OCCUPATION: Music producer and Beat maker
SmGBeatz Biography, Profile & Age
SmGBeatz he is a Nigerian song producer,songwriter and beat maker. He was born as Seun Olawoyin  Jacob, date of birth 16th AUGUST, 1994 and is a native of Afijo,Oyo State, Nigeria. He was birthed into a Christian family, to the family of Mr and Mrs Jacob in Oyo state, So by extension, SmGBeatz is from Oyo state. His primary schooling took place at  Hossanan Nursery and Primary School Kpakungu in Minna, Niger state.
At the secondary level, he schooled at Day Secondary school Tunga Minna After rounding off primary and secondary schooling, he went to a computer training at Destiny computer instituted where he learn a lot about computer and how to produce beat,
Presently SmGBeatz is the founder and C.e.o of hustle boiz empire.
When you hear “SmGBeatz on the Beat baby” anywhere, it’s SmGBeatz spinning the beat, expect nothing less than impressive.
SmGBeatz learnt to play musical percussion instruments at a church he attended while growing up. The star producer SmGBeatz has worked with award winning artistes including Prince Mk, MrBangis, Fati lade, hauwa chikangi, and also many hip hop artists like lalala, hip hop prophet, Yinnks, kingsammy and many more. He has made name for himself in the  music industry all over the North with his special all-covering music genre ability.
A couple of songs produced by SmGBeatz Include “Shekpa Album by prince Mk ”Ah don die by lalala, “Best of fati lade ” by Fati lade, and “Best of hauwa chikangi” by hauwa chikangi,best of safiyat, and many single for hip hop prophet, Yinnks and kingsammy.

SmGBeatz is currently unmarried, he’s well schooled, and working with different artistes in the industry. He’s really a sound fancy, and was nominated under the “Best Producer of the Year” in many Awards category.
His music production talent in the  music industry is topnotch to the point that he’s seen as one of the best music producers in the music industry all over the North. It’s rare find the talents of a music producer and sound engineer in one entity, SmGBeatz is a download of both talents.
He was also listed by thisDay as one of the top best music producers on its list.
He’s currently not signed by any major brand or company yet, but he still earns a lot from being signed to the record label. SmGBeatz has helped artistes under the White heart entertainment difference music label grow in terms of music maturity and sound quality.
The music producer is very cool and stylish when it comes down to making beats. Thank you
And you can contact SmGBeatz through
Facebook:@Seun Olawoyin
That’s all about SmGBeatz,Biography, Profile & Age for now which is brought straight to you by your best blog

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